Jack Balkin: jackbalkin at yahoo.com
Bruce Ackerman bruce.ackerman at yale.edu
Ian Ayres ian.ayres at yale.edu
Corey Brettschneider corey_brettschneider at brown.edu
Mary Dudziak mary.l.dudziak at emory.edu
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Heather Gerken heather.gerken at yale.edu
Abbe Gluck abbe.gluck at yale.edu
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David Super david.super at law.georgetown.edu
Brian Tamanaha btamanaha at wulaw.wustl.edu
Nelson Tebbe nelson.tebbe at brooklaw.edu
Mark Tushnet mtushnet at law.harvard.edu
Adam Winkler winkler at ucla.edu
Sam Moyn begins a thoughtful review of War Time on Lawfare not with the book but with the Jack Goldsmith's appearance on The Daily Show. Discussing Goldsmith’s new book Power and Constraint,
Jon Stewart raised the concern that the president “has extraordinary
powers in an endless war.” Goldsmith agreed that he does. “But Stewart
failed to challenge Goldsmith's premise of ‘endless war,’” Moyn writes.
Some vigorously insist that the Authorization for Use of Military Force
Against Terrorists offers clear boundaries to our war, at least as to
who the enemy is. But it is not as obvious that it imposes serious
chronological (or for that matter geographical) limits. Goldsmith, far
from using "endless war" as a throwaway line, incorporates it in the
title of his book's preface. The main value of Dudziak's War Time is
that comes much closer to mounting the challenge to interminable
The project of my book is first and foremost to problematize the way
wartime is understood, and to illustrate that, like other forms of
temporal thinking, our understanding of wartime is a product of culture,
and not a stable “fact” in the world. The contemporary consequences of
this conceptual problem is captured by Moyn:
legal scholars, liberal and conservative, have mainly spent their time
since 9/11 continuing, and indeed amplifying, the Cold War mistake of
thinking within the culturally constructed frame of a chronologically
bounded understanding of war. Insistence on this frame, and failure to
see its constructed qualities, prompts an obsession with "civil
liberties in wartime." But the "civil liberties in wartime" argument
depends upon a social construction of "wartime" that in fact fit World
War I and II much better than either the Cold War or today's "endless
war" in the first place.
But Moyn asks: “I wonder, however, if the civil libertarian strategy
came about because of ill-fitting conceptual categories or, instead, a
failure to challenge geopolitical realities. Was the error of our time
conceding a wartime frame, or conceding an open-ended struggle on which
to impose it?” Moyn presses both me and my critics to address the
problem of ongoing warfare more directly. In response to Goldsmith’s
claim that our system has worked post-9/11, Moyn suggests that perhaps
“the system crashed in the Cold War; it is to our great and lasting
moral discredit that matters were never put right after it.” Seeking
deeper engagement of the moral problem of ongoing war, Moyn suggests
that “one might take the repeated ceremonial endings [of combat] Dudziak
singles out, for example, to imply widespread nostalgia for the very
chronological confinement to war Americans long ago gave up.”
From my perspective, Moyn accomplishes three crucial things in this
review. First, he highlights a crucial transformative moment in
American politics, and urges that we study it more deeply. Although
there has been on-going U.S. military engagement since at least the
Civil War, it was during the Cold War,
in the context of shifts in the U.S. role in geopolitics and the
domestic political reaction, that American political leaders argued that
American military power projected around the world was the only way to keep the nation safe. This put the nation on a trajectory that we have not stepped back from, and that others have argued
has become entrenched in American political culture. From that point
on the infrastructure of endless war was created. And from that point
on, politicians might argue against particular uses of force by
presidents, while at the same time supporting continued military
build-up if it brought jobs and resources to their districts.
Second, Moyn insists that the morality of endless war be placed more
clearly on the table. Moyn himself illuminates the importance of
critically exploring both morality and its uses as a political rhetoric in his own fine work.
Third, and especially helpful from my perspective, he places people who
don’t usually speak to each other, and their ideas, in conversation in
an important way. The liberal/conservative back-and-forth about war,
rights and presidential power has become predictable and even tiresome,
so that it fails to illuminate underlying cultural, political and global
dynamics that produce the conceptual environment within which our
leading conservative and liberal scholars argue with each other. It
will help us to get beyond that impasse, I believe, by turning more seriously to other disciplines where
war is treated not as a stable fact in the world, but as a complex and
changing phenomenon requiring the tools of political scientists,
anthropologists, historians and others to more fully understand.