
Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Citizen Sovereignty

Ian Ayres

Why not have a non-partisan and non-profit corporation whose purpose is to deepen citizen involvement in American political life? was just created with just this purpose.

Its projects include a pre-election federal holiday for citizen deliberation; and, a plan for fundamental reform of federal campaign finance.

Particularly near and dear to my heart is it's embrace of the Ackerman and Ayres, Voting With Dollars proposal:
Voting with Dollars:The Citizen Sovereignty Act
The Citizen Sovereignty Act is a two-part proposal to invigorate citizen involvement in politics and remedy cynicism about campaign fundraising. The Act extends voters the use of automated teller machines for publicly funded campaign contributions of “Patriot dollars,” and; it renders private campaign contributions anonymous, mimicking the secret ballot as a safeguard to the integrity of the political process.
These measures permit a substantial increase in campaign contribution limits and
associated free speech.
Voting With Dollars, by Bruce Ackerman and Ian Ayres, details the Act and how it satisfies constitutional requirements. A model text for the Citizen Sovereignty Act provides a concrete basis for an effort to restore faith in Congress and the Executive Branch. An excerpted chapter from Voting with Dollars is available for free download.


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