Jack Balkin: jackbalkin at yahoo.com
Bruce Ackerman bruce.ackerman at yale.edu
Ian Ayres ian.ayres at yale.edu
Corey Brettschneider corey_brettschneider at brown.edu
Mary Dudziak mary.l.dudziak at emory.edu
Joey Fishkin joey.fishkin at gmail.com
Heather Gerken heather.gerken at yale.edu
Abbe Gluck abbe.gluck at yale.edu
Mark Graber mgraber at law.umaryland.edu
Stephen Griffin sgriffin at tulane.edu
Jonathan Hafetz jonathan.hafetz at shu.edu
Jeremy Kessler jkessler at law.columbia.edu
Andrew Koppelman akoppelman at law.northwestern.edu
Marty Lederman msl46 at law.georgetown.edu
Sanford Levinson slevinson at law.utexas.edu
David Luban david.luban at gmail.com
Gerard Magliocca gmaglioc at iupui.edu
Jason Mazzone mazzonej at illinois.edu
Linda McClain lmcclain at bu.edu
John Mikhail mikhail at law.georgetown.edu
Frank Pasquale pasquale.frank at gmail.com
Nate Persily npersily at gmail.com
Michael Stokes Paulsen michaelstokespaulsen at gmail.com
Deborah Pearlstein dpearlst at yu.edu
Rick Pildes rick.pildes at nyu.edu
David Pozen dpozen at law.columbia.edu
Richard Primus raprimus at umich.edu
K. Sabeel Rahman sabeel.rahman at brooklaw.edu
Alice Ristroph alice.ristroph at shu.edu
Neil Siegel siegel at law.duke.edu
David Super david.super at law.georgetown.edu
Brian Tamanaha btamanaha at wulaw.wustl.edu
Nelson Tebbe nelson.tebbe at brooklaw.edu
Mark Tushnet mtushnet at law.harvard.edu
Adam Winkler winkler at ucla.edu
Reading recently published tributes to the late Justice O'Connor reminded me of the throw pillow she had in her office, with an inscription: "Maybe in error but never in doubt." It's always struck me that without elaboration that's exactly the wrong attitude a judge should have. For me Oliver Cromwell provides better guidance: "I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible that you may be mistaken."
Maybe Cromwell's aphorism can be used to improve on O'Connor's. As a judge you have to make decisions, but you should always remind yourself that your decision might be mistaken--and that reminder should come after the decision as well as before it. That doesn't mean that you lose sleep over the decision you made, but it does mean that you have to keep an open mind when someone says, "That decision was wrong and should be ignored/limited as substantially as possible." You shouldn't get psychologically invested in defending the decision simply because you made it ("It was the best I found myself able to do under the circumstances but maybe I was mistaken"). So: never in doubt at the moment of choice, but after that always aware of the possibility that you were mistaken.
I suspect, though, that people who become Supreme Court justices (and find out that other people, especially lawyers, defer to them in interpersonal interactions--stand up when they enter a room, for example) aren't psychologically constituted to take Cromwell's advice. (I can't retrieve the exact quotation or source right now, but I think that's what Jerome Frank [I believe] had in mind when referring to Holmes [I believe] as a fully mature jurist [I believe]--in contrast to other less mature judges [say, a substantial majority of the justices now sitting on the Supreme Court]. Whether that's an accurate characterization of Holmes and other justices is another matter; I think it is but it's possible that I may be mistaken.)