A Napoleon Complex
Guest Blogger
For the Balkinization 20th Anniversary Symposium
Gerard Magliocca
to Balkinization on its 20th anniversary. Really, congratulations to Jack, who
started this community and was the only blogger for its first few years. That’s
the good news. The bad news is that a constitutional problem that has consumed
much of our attention since 2003 is still alive and well.
problem is the unbounded presidency. Balkinization began against the backdrop
of preparations for the Second Gulf War and hit its stride in posts that criticized
the Bush Administration’s overreach on issues such as torture, executive
detention, and warrantless surveillance. While the aftermath of the September
11th terrorist attacks was bound to produce a more assertive Executive Branch,
peace did not fully reset the constitutional balance. Instead, presidents of
both parties have increasingly turned to dubious executive orders and emergency
powers to achieve goals that Congress would not pass. Sometimes the courts
eventually block these executive measures, but too often they do not.
explains this trend? If President Trump were the only culprit, then you could
just blame his bizarre psychology. But he is just the worst--not the only--example.
Political polarization is partly to blame. Past presidents wielded less power
over their administrations because of the strength of rival factions within
their parties. Many presidents could not simply fire a senior Cabinet member or
afford to let one resign in protest over a controversial decision. If either type
of acrimonious departure happened, then the faction that the former official
represented could bring down the Administration. In this sense, many
presidencies functioned like or even modeled themselves on the British Cabinet
system. Not anymore. The party unity created by polarization removes this internal
political constraint on the President. Today only the threat of widespread
resignations with the Executive Branch, including some senior civil servants, seems
to give presidents pause.
The impotence
of Congress is another significant factor in the presidency’s growth. One
reason that recent presidents have resorted to unilateral action more
frequently is that even popular legislation cannot overcome a Senate
filibuster. The breakdown of regular order in the legislative process, where
committees once wielded significant power and members could offer many
amendments in floor debate, also makes crafting acceptable legislation more
difficult. Polarization plays a role here as well, but this dysfunction also reflects
a longer and more profound decline in Congress’s institutional self-respect.
One judge
made this connection in the 1950s, which brings me to my current project. I am
writing a book about Justice Robert H. Jackson’s concurring opinion in Youngstown
Sheet and Tube Co. v. Sawyer, which is the canonical judicial text on
separation of powers. Toward the end of that opinion, Justice Jackson said:
I have no illusion that any decision by this Court can
keep power in the hands of Congress if it is not wise and timely in meeting its
problems. A crisis that challenges the President equally, or perhaps primarily,
challenges Congress. If not good law, there was worldly wisdom in the maxim
attributed to Napoleon that ‘The tools belong to the man who can use them.’ We
may say that power to legislate for emergencies belongs in the hands of
Congress, but only Congress itself can prevent power from slipping through its
In an early draft, Jackson made the point even more
vividly: “As crisis follows crisis, if Congress allows its attention to be
diverted by trivia, its leadership of the Nation weakened by its absorption in
sectional tasks, its impact weakened by partisan division, the weight of public
opinion will surely shift effective power to a centralized Executive.” This prophecy
is now fulfilled. Congress did not heed Justice Jackson’s warning enough.
Neither did the Supreme Court. One of the many wise
suggestions in the Youngstown concurrence is that the Court should pay more
attention in separation-of-powers cases to the “gap that exists between the
President’s paper powers and his real powers.” Justice Jackson then talked at about how the
modern presidency was far more powerful than its ancestor because of the
expansion of the federal government, the development of mass communications,
and strength of the party system. His conclusion was that the country would not
“suffer if the Court refuses to further to aggrandize the presidential office,
already so potent and so relatively immune from judicial review, at the expense
of Congress.”
But the Supreme Court has further aggrandized the
presidential office. Perhaps that pattern began with the invalidation of the
legislative veto in INS v. Chadha, which contradicted Justice Jackson’s
view on that issue (as he explained in a Youngstown draft and then later
published as an article in the Harvard Law Review). Whatever the
starting point was, in recent years the Court significantly cut back on
congressional power to limit the executive’s ability to remove officials at
will. These opinions rest on a formal analysis rather than the functional
approach advocated the Youngstown concurrence. Thus, even when Congress
tries to assert itself, the Court stands in the way.
While the Court therefore shares some of the blame for
our current predicament, the claim that Supreme Court reform should be a top
constitutional priority is mistaken. Congress is the institution that really needs
an overhaul so that the legislative branch can fulfill its counterbalancing
role more effectively in areas that would not present judicial questions.
Calling for filibuster reform is now something of a broken record. An idea that
gets less attention but may be equally important would involve restoring power
to the committee chairs in Congress. Just as the President is now too powerful,
so is the congressional leadership (though Speaker McCarthy—if he can get
elected Speaker with his slender majority—may be an exception.) The
centralization of power within Congress has not produced better results and
leaves most backbench members with no voice. It’s time for change.
Let me close on a personal note. I am lucky to have the
privilege to write anything I want whenever I want and have that work
disseminated to whom I want. I thank Jack, my co-bloggers, and our readers.
Twenty more years!
Gerard N. Magliocca is the Samuel R. Rosen Professor at the IU Robert H. McKinney School of Law. You can reach him by e-mail at gmaglioc@iupui.edu.
11:00 AM
by Guest Blogger [link]