Final schedule: Is America Governable
Sandy Levinson
You will find below the final schedule for the symposium that will be held at the University of Texas Law School beginning two weeks from tomrrow. All events are free and open to the public. If you are planning to attend the lunch session where Larry Lessig will speak, we would very much appreciate your "registering" by sending an email to that effect to me at or We won't turn anyone away, but lunches will go first to those who registered. It is my hope that the events will be (at least) live-streamed and availablel thereafter. There is certainly no reason, as we contemplate further budgetary debacles, to believe that the topic has become irrelevant, alas. The website, should, fairly soon, have biographies and, more importantly, bibligraphies of the impressive array of writings produced by the participants. If, as I assume, most readers will not be able to make it to Austin, please feel free to linform any Austinites you know of the invent.
Is America Governable?
University of Texas School of Law,
January 24-26, 2013
Conference Schedule
Thursday, 5:30-7:30pm (Law School Auditorium):
The State of the Union, Evan Smith (moderator)
Mickey Edwards, Bill Galston, Sandy Levinson, Tom Mann, Norman Ornstein, Alan Wolfe
Friday (Eidman Courtroom)
9:15-10:45am: Compromise and governance, Elizabeth Sherman (moderator)
Sandy Levinson, Jane Mansbridge, Jack Rakove, Dennis Thompson
11:00-12:30pm: So How Well Did Our Electoral System(s) Do in 2012?, Joseph Fishkin (moderator)
Edward (Ned) Foley, Heather Gerken, Richard Hasen, Mark Rosen
LUNCH: 12:45-2 Atrium Luncheon talk: Larry Lessig: Is the Republic Still in Danger of Being Lost? Lessons from the 2012 Elections
Eidman Courtroom
2:15-3:3:45 pm: “The People’s Branch”: Is Congress Hopeless?, John Fortier (moderator)
Sarah Binder, John Ferejohn, Tom Mann, David Mayhew, Norman Ornstein
4:00--5:30 pm: Executive branch(es) and governance: A Cause for Optimism or Fear?, Jeff Tulis (moderator)
Philip Bobbitt, Jacob Gersen, Stephen Griffin, Tom McGarity, Stephen Skowronek
Saturday (Eidman Courtroom)
9:15-10:45am: Governance and the judiciary, Scot Powe (moderator)
Adam Liptak, James Gibson, Alan Tarr
11:00-12:15: Governance from the State perspective, Lynn Baker (moderator)
Bruce Cain, John Dinan
1:30-3:30pm: Thinking about the future (and outside the box?), Jack Balkin, moderator
Mickey Edwards, James Fishkin, David Orentlicher, Ernesto Cortes
Lynn Baker, University of Texas Law School
Jack Balkin, Yale Law School
Sarah Binder, Brookings Institution, George Washington University
Philip Bobbitt, University of Texas Law School, Columbia Law School
Bruce Cain, Stanford University
Ernesto Cortes, Industrial Areas Foundation
John Dinan, Wake Forest University
Mickey Edwards, Aspen Institute
John Ferejohn, New York University School of Law
James Fishkin, Stanford University
Joseph Fishkin, University of Texas Law School
Edward (Ned) Foley, Moritz School of Law, Ohio State University
John Fortier, Bipartisan Policy Center
William Galston, Brookings Institution
Heather Gerken, Yale Law School
Jacob Gersen, Harvard Law School
James Gibson, Washington University of St. Louis
Stephen Griffin, Tulane Law School
Richard Hasen, University of California at Irvine School of Law
Lawrence Lessig, Harvard Law School
Sanford Levinson, University of Texas Law School
Adam Liptak, New York Times
Thomas Mann, Brookings Institution
Jane Mansbridge, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
David Mayhew, Yale University
David Orentlicher, University of Indiana School of Law
Thomas McGarity, University of Texas Law School
Norman Ornstein, American Enterprise Institute
Lucas A. (Scot) Powe, University of Texas Law School
Jack Rakove, Stanford University
Mark Rosen, Chicago-Kent School of Law
Elizabeth Sherman, American University
Stephen Skowronek, Yale University
Evan Smith, Texas Tribune
Alan Tarr, Rutgers University
Dennis Thompson, Harvard University
Jeffrey Tulis, University of Texas
Alan Wolfe, Boston College
6:45 PM
by Sandy Levinson [link]