
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Gary Jeffrey Jacobsohn on “Rights and American Constitutional Identity”

Ken Kersch

For those interested in the constitutional understandings of one of the leading political scientists (and constitutional comparativists) writing in the field, the journal Polity has just posted a podcast interview I did with Gary Jeffrey Jacobsohn, the H. Malcolm McDonald Professor of Constitutional and Comparative Law in the Government Department at the University of Texas-Austin.

In the interview, I talk with Gary about his lead article in Polity's October 2011 edition, “Rights and American Constitutional Identity” “(the article is currently available, free, for a limited time, on the Polity website).

Gary is also the author, most recently, of
Constitutional Identity (Harvard, 2010), and, previously, of comparative studies of the constitutional dynamics of the U.S., Israel, and India.

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