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Wednesday, October 19, 2011
A Proposal for Imposing Fiscal Restraint on Law Schools
Brian Tamanaha
Law school tuition has increased at an unrestrained rate in recent years, with a handful of schools now above $50,000 per year, and more poised to follow. As long as students are willing and able to pay what law schools charge, it appears that little can stop this.
Why $45 million per class? Where is this number coming from?
Why anything? Why should the government involve itself at all, especially if it looks as though this is going to turn into a massive waste of taxpayer money.
I just picked a number. It could be set higher or lower (including 0). The questions you raise are serious and should be discussed.
Simply eliminating Grad PLUS and federally privileged private student loans would do a great deal to help.
Stafford loans top out at $20,500/year (@ 6.8%). Perkins top out at $8,000/year ( @5%) and is already limited by school to only a subset of students. That means that any school that wanted to charge more than $28,500 / year at the most would have to accept students who could: 1) either pay the difference through their own resources or 2) convince a private lender that they are a worth credit risk. I imagine such lenders will be more than happy to analyze all the factors that go into repayment risk, including school quality, before parting with unsecured loan money.
I would like to see schools have "skin in the game," so to speak.
I think it would appropriate for a school to have to pay 5% of the loss if one of their former students default on their federal student loans. For students of multiple schools (transfers, people who go straight to law school with undergrad debt), it would be appropriate to prorate that by what percentage of the money the student borrowed occurred while that student was enrolled at that school. This can be tweaked further, but it would provide a huge incentive for schools to do better at helping their students attain jobs, and would provide a force for making sure tuition is being well spent.
The general principles of your plan are extremely sound and would be applied to all universities. Great work.
What will be the mechanism for making law schools pay 5% of the loss if one of their former students defaults on a loan? Does it matter why they defaulted?
You can just have the .gov withhold the money in the first place, and then disperse it after the loans are paid off. The school should be able to sell this future income stream if it so chooses, though obviously at a discount partly dependent on its quality. Another mechanism would be for the school to act as a guarantor for the 5%. That would put the onus on the servicer (usually the Dept. of Education these days) to seek redress upon default.
Here's a "what if" to consider:
If student loans had not expanded over the years, would tuitions have risen so much at both colleges and law schools? Did expanding student loans contribute to tuition rises? Was this a matter of supply and demand or something else? Student loans benefit parents for obvious reasons. And of course they benefit the student who otherwise would not have been able to afford college or law school; but at what costs? Perhaps in the early years, the costs could be handled by an eventual job permitting repayment. But as tuitions rose and thus student loans, at some point there would be problems, like now. Let's also consider the impact upon the public, the taxpayers, particularly with respect to law school, of high student loans. For the student to effectively pay back the loan (with interest, of course), a high paying job is necessary. The law firm employer of the young and fortunate lawyer surely would pass on the costs of such a high salary to clients. But this same assessment could apply to a young lawyer in a small firm or solo practice in setting fees that would cover the living expenses of the lawyer, including repayment of student loans (with interest, of course). Should there be a federal policy that addresses this? Compare the federal tax policies that have subsidized home ownership: mortgage interest paid permits for a federal income deduction; property taxes paid permits for a federal income tax deduction. [There are, of course, other subsidies, but these are the major ones for the homeowner.] The student loan interest paid does not result in a federal tax deduction. And discharging student loans via bankruptcy can be difficult. Apparently the subsidies for student loans are most beneficial to lenders since the loans may be guaranteed by the federal government. So the student borrower can end up "under water" similar to many mortgages today. These are random thoughts, I realize. But perhaps the underlying issues should be addressed rather than the band-aid approach suggested. As I have noted with earlier comments on this subject, my concern is with the consumer who needs appropriate and affordable legal services.
When my father z"l (law '47) and my grandfather z"l (law '14) went to law school it was a program for undergraduates. They entered right after high school. They were awarded an LLB. (bachelor of laws) when they graduated. They were both very fine lawyers.
If we went back to that system, we would save the students as much as $200,000 each. When I went to law school (law '75), we had classes with upwards of 100 students in them. Those classes were taught by professors who had not published more than a handfull of articles. It certainly helped keep the costs down. My recommendation would be going back to the undergraduate degree program. Actually, what we should really do is make law a two year program at community colleges. like useful trades such as plumbing. Then it would be affordable for everyone and it would loose the cachet that made it a target for the 1%.
I'm hesitant about the idea of a per school cap, since it would tend to eliminate diversity and competition in the marketplace — schools would be encouraged to all be the same size as the top schools, basically, and students would have less choice between different options. I see why per student caps wouldn't work, but what about per faculty?
I think "Fat Man" above also makes a very good suggestion (though it's unrelated to this thread). I'd just add that there is perhaps a social value to the "cache" of the legal profession, insofar as that cache translates into incentives that help enforce valuable professional norms. Finally, maybe the way to decrease loans without hurting access is to make the cap for a school tied to a FAFSA-like evaluation of the need of its students.
Verbal precision is a mark of good lawyering.
cachet: 4. superior status; prestige: The job has a certain cachet. cache 1. a hiding place, especially one in the ground, for ammunition, food, treasures, etc. 2. anything so hidden.
Please excuse the typo. I didn't realize that blog comment threads were in the domain of lawyering. :)
There's no need for a cap, and no reason to think that the federal government would be in a good position to determine the appropriate level.
All that's needed is to revert the treatment of private student loans to what it was prior to 2005, on a prospective basis. Private bank loans for law school will dry up immediately, at least for most students at most schools. Then the schools can get into the lending business, or guarantee the portfolio of loans for the classes they put together, or otherwise creatively address the problem that their management decisions have created. The loan eligibility requirements applicable to for-profit schools should be applicable to law schools to. They are profit centers, aren't they?
Under the current system, are loans available only based on need, or are they available to most or all students. If the latter, why?
Do the schools themselves, like their undergraduate counterparts, provide substantial need/merit based scholarship aid?
Today's NYTimes (10/25/11) features Clifford Winston's op-ed "Are Law Schools and Bar Exams Necessary?" that may be somewhat of a reaction to high law school tuitions. While this article opens the barn door to potentially provide consumers with lower costs for legal services, there are serious concerns with the quality of such legal services and adequate protections to the consumer for such quality failures. The article is opportunistic on certain failures of law schools that Brian has been addressing. My concern has been and continues to be that the consumer of legal services is entitled to a proper delivery of such services at affordable prices. Winston's proposal does not adequately address this. Perhaps I am too much of an old fogey to comprehend how a virtual deregulation of the practice of law would provide a public benefit. Winston's argument is not new but perhaps law school actions over the years have given the argument new incentive.
Yesterday’s (10/29/11) NYTimes Business Day section features on its first page John Eligon’s “Selling Pieces of Law Firms — Outside Investors May Take Some Control From Lawyers” that might add some twists to this post. The photo accompanying the article depicts the legal services offerings of Quality Solicitors at the West London store of the retailer WHSmith.
Is the commodification of legal services the future for the profession (assuming it remains a profession)?
Here's something that it occurred to me that I haven't seen in this whole discussion - whether from Prof Tamanaha or Prof Campos - that I would really like to see - what do actual law school budgets look like?
In this post Prof T talks about combined debt per class of in the $90 million ballpark for Cooley and proposed $45 million/class cap. So, assuming for a moment (and we know this isn't so) that students are funding 100% of their educations through loans, this $45 million cap would give law schools an operating budget of $135 million/year (3 classes in school at any one time). This seems like an absurdly high number to be spending every year for a law school. My knee-jerk reaction tells me I could run a school with a much lower budget than that. But with the law school being a cash cow for the university, prof salaries, etc, what does the actual breakdown look like? Prof T, is there any info on this sort of thing that you're able to present? I'd be curious to see it. Thanks.
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=============================== This is a Christian Organization formed to help people in need of help, such as financial help. and help them out of their financial crises. If you are short of cash and in need of financial assistance ST PAUL'S CATHEDRAL FINANCE is the best solution. We make applying and qualifying for a loan quick, easy and painless. Our payday loans IS a fast and easy way of obtaining the emergency cash fast! DO YOU NEED A LOAN TO PAY BILL? DO YOU NEED FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE? Do you need a personal loan to secure a home? OUR. VISION IS TO MEET YOUR FINANCIAL PROBLEMS BY OFFERING YOU LOAN. If you are faced with stress in the acquisition of a loan that make you .Have sleepless night? Or you have been disappointed by your bank? ST PAUL'S CATHEDRAL FINANCE is here WIPE YOUR TEARS AWAY. ====================== If you are having any stress in obtaining a loan from your local banks and finance kindly fill the application and send to our email:[ ] ============================ APPLICATION FORM PREFIX {MR.,MRS.,MS.,DR.,etc.} 1)YOUR NAME...................... 2)YOUR COUNTRY................... 3)YOUR OCCUPATION................ 4)YOUR MARITAL STATUS............ 5)PHONE NUMBER................... 6)MONTHLY INCOME................. 7)ADDRESS........................ 8)PURPOSE OF LOAN................ 9)LOAN REQUEST................... 10)TELEPHONE..................... If you are interested and you want to obtain a loan from ST PAUL'S CATHEDRAL FINANCE, kindly fill the application form and reply us through our email....... THANKS AND REGARDS REV JAMES BENJAMIN EMAIL: [ ]
=============================== This is a Christian Organization formed to help people in need of help, such as financial help. and help them out of their financial crises. If you are short of cash and in need of financial assistance ST PAUL'S CATHEDRAL FINANCE is the best solution. We make applying and qualifying for a loan quick, easy and painless. Our payday loans IS a fast and easy way of obtaining the emergency cash fast! DO YOU NEED A LOAN TO PAY BILL? DO YOU NEED FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE? Do you need a personal loan to secure a home? OUR. VISION IS TO MEET YOUR FINANCIAL PROBLEMS BY OFFERING YOU LOAN. If you are faced with stress in the acquisition of a loan that make you .Have sleepless night? Or you have been disappointed by your bank? ST PAUL'S CATHEDRAL FINANCE is here WIPE YOUR TEARS AWAY. ====================== If you are having any stress in obtaining a loan from your local banks and finance kindly fill the application and send to our email:[ ] ============================ APPLICATION FORM PREFIX {MR.,MRS.,MS.,DR.,etc.} 1)YOUR NAME...................... 2)YOUR COUNTRY................... 3)YOUR OCCUPATION................ 4)YOUR MARITAL STATUS............ 5)PHONE NUMBER................... 6)MONTHLY INCOME................. 7)ADDRESS........................ 8)PURPOSE OF LOAN................ 9)LOAN REQUEST................... 10)TELEPHONE..................... If you are interested and you want to obtain a loan from ST PAUL'S CATHEDRAL FINANCE, kindly fill the application form and reply us through our email....... THANKS AND REGARDS REV JAMES BENJAMIN EMAIL: [ ]
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HEAD OFFICE--3 Basinghall Avenue,UNITED KINGDOM EMAIL ADDRESS--[] --------------------------------------------------------- NATION WIDE LOAN FINANCE SERVICES , is a charitable loan organization. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000. Our loans are well insured and maximum security is our priority, at an interest of 2% rate. Available Loans *Commercial Loans. *Personal Loans. *Business Loans. *Investments Loans. *Development Loans. *Construction loans. Kindly fill the application below form below. APPLICATION FORM Name:---------------- Address:------------- Country:------------- Occupation:---------- Loan Amount---------- Purpose of loan------ Loan Duration-------- Phone Number:-------- STAY BLESS ALICIA ROGER EMAIL ADDRESS--[] NATION WIDE LOAN FINANCE SERVICES
HEAD OFFICE--3 Basinghall Avenue,UNITED KINGDOM EMAIL ADDRESS--[] --------------------------------------------------------- NATION WIDE LOAN FINANCE SERVICES , is a charitable loan organization. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000. Our loans are well insured and maximum security is our priority, at an interest of 2% rate. Available Loans *Commercial Loans. *Personal Loans. *Business Loans. *Investments Loans. *Development Loans. *Construction loans. Kindly fill the application below form below. APPLICATION FORM Name:---------------- Address:------------- Country:------------- Occupation:---------- Loan Amount---------- Purpose of loan------ Loan Duration-------- Phone Number:-------- STAY BLESS ALICIA ROGER EMAIL ADDRESS--[] NATION WIDE LOAN FINANCE SERVICES
HEAD OFFICE--3 Basinghall Avenue,UNITED KINGDOM EMAIL ADDRESS--[] --------------------------------------------------------- NATION WIDE LOAN FINANCE SERVICES , is a charitable loan organization. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000. Our loans are well insured and maximum security is our priority, at an interest of 2% rate. Available Loans *Commercial Loans. *Personal Loans. *Business Loans. *Investments Loans. *Development Loans. *Construction loans. Kindly fill the application below form below. APPLICATION FORM Name:---------------- Address:------------- Country:------------- Occupation:---------- Loan Amount---------- Purpose of loan------ Loan Duration-------- Phone Number:-------- STAY BLESS ALICIA ROGER EMAIL ADDRESS--[] NATION WIDE LOAN FINANCE SERVICES
HEAD OFFICE--3 Basinghall Avenue,UNITED KINGDOM EMAIL ADDRESS--[] --------------------------------------------------------- NATION WIDE LOAN FINANCE SERVICES , is a charitable loan organization. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000. Our loans are well insured and maximum security is our priority, at an interest of 2% rate. Available Loans *Commercial Loans. *Personal Loans. *Business Loans. *Investments Loans. *Development Loans. *Construction loans. Kindly fill the application below form below. APPLICATION FORM Name:---------------- Address:------------- Country:------------- Occupation:---------- Loan Amount---------- Purpose of loan------ Loan Duration-------- Phone Number:-------- STAY BLESS ALICIA ROGER EMAIL ADDRESS--[] NATION WIDE LOAN FINANCE SERVICES
HEAD OFFICE--3 Basinghall Avenue,UNITED KINGDOM EMAIL ADDRESS--[] --------------------------------------------------------- NATION WIDE LOAN FINANCE SERVICES , is a charitable loan organization. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000. Our loans are well insured and maximum security is our priority, at an interest of 2% rate. Available Loans *Commercial Loans. *Personal Loans. *Business Loans. *Investments Loans. *Development Loans. *Construction loans. Kindly fill the application below form below. APPLICATION FORM Name:---------------- Address:------------- Country:------------- Occupation:---------- Loan Amount---------- Purpose of loan------ Loan Duration-------- Phone Number:-------- STAY BLESS ALICIA ROGER EMAIL ADDRESS--[] NATION WIDE LOAN FINANCE SERVICES
EMAIL ADDRESS==={} HEAD OFFICE====35-39 Inverness Terrace,London, United Kingdom ======================================================================= welcome to CHARITY LOAN ONLINE FIRM. this is a charity online firm formed to help individuals all over the world in need to financial help. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000 USD,at 2.0% interest rate . We provide all types of loans Debt Consolidation Business Loans Personal Loans Consumer Loans Medical Loans Student Loans And many more - REGARDS MRS SANDRA CHOLE EMAIL ADDRESS==={} CHARITY LOAN ONLINE FIRM
EMAIL ADDRESS==={} HEAD OFFICE====35-39 Inverness Terrace,London, United Kingdom ======================================================================= welcome to CHARITY LOAN ONLINE FIRM. this is a charity online firm formed to help individuals all over the world in need to financial help. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000 USD,at 2.0% interest rate . We provide all types of loans Debt Consolidation Business Loans Personal Loans Consumer Loans Medical Loans Student Loans And many more - REGARDS MRS SANDRA CHOLE EMAIL ADDRESS==={} CHARITY LOAN ONLINE FIRM
EMAIL ADDRESS==={} HEAD OFFICE====35-39 Inverness Terrace,London, United Kingdom ======================================================================= welcome to CHARITY LOAN ONLINE FIRM. this is a charity online firm formed to help individuals all over the world in need to financial help. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000 USD,at 2.0% interest rate . We provide all types of loans Debt Consolidation Business Loans Personal Loans Consumer Loans Medical Loans Student Loans And many more - REGARDS MRS SANDRA CHOLE EMAIL ADDRESS==={} CHARITY LOAN ONLINE FIRM
EMAIL ADDRESS--[] HEAD OFFICE--742 Harrow Road London UNITED KINGDOM ---------------------------------------------------- I am MRS FLORENCE NOAH,Director and CEO of HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER . HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER is a legitimate and well known British approved loan lending company based in London, united kingdom. We offer loans to individuals as well as organizations who have intentions of ---- Renovating houses and institutions, Debt consolidation, Re-financing purposes, Establishment of business outfit ============================================================= We offer the following kinds of loans to our clients------- * Long term loans (20_40years) * Short term loans (5_10years) * Media term loans (10_20years ) * Investors Loans * Debt Consolidation * Second Mortgage * Business Loans * Personal Loans * International Loans * Home loans. ======================================================= Interested applicants should please contact us with our email address [] THANKS EMAIL ADDRESS--[] FLORENCE NOAH HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER
EMAIL ADDRESS--[] HEAD OFFICE--742 Harrow Road London UNITED KINGDOM ---------------------------------------------------- I am MRS FLORENCE NOAH,Director and CEO of HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER . HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER is a legitimate and well known British approved loan lending company based in London, united kingdom. We offer loans to individuals as well as organizations who have intentions of ---- Renovating houses and institutions, Debt consolidation, Re-financing purposes, Establishment of business outfit ============================================================= We offer the following kinds of loans to our clients------- * Long term loans (20_40years) * Short term loans (5_10years) * Media term loans (10_20years ) * Investors Loans * Debt Consolidation * Second Mortgage * Business Loans * Personal Loans * International Loans * Home loans. ======================================================= Interested applicants should please contact us with our email address [] THANKS EMAIL ADDRESS--[] FLORENCE NOAH HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER
EMAIL ADDRESS--[] HEAD OFFICE--742 Harrow Road London UNITED KINGDOM ---------------------------------------------------- I am MRS FLORENCE NOAH,Director and CEO of HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER . HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER is a legitimate and well known British approved loan lending company based in London, united kingdom. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000 at an interest of 2% rate. We offer the following kinds of loans to our clients----- * Long term loans (20_40years) * Short term loans (5_10years) * Media term loans (10_20years ) * Investors Loans * Debt Consolidation * Second Mortgage * Business Loans * Personal Loans * International Loans * Home loans. ======================================================= Interested applicants should please contact us with our email address [] THANKS EMAIL ADDRESS--[] FLORENCE NOAH HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER
EMAIL ADDRESS--[] HEAD OFFICE--742 Harrow Road London UNITED KINGDOM ---------------------------------------------------- I am MRS FLORENCE NOAH,Director and CEO of HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER . HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER is a legitimate and well known British approved loan lending company based in London, united kingdom. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000 at an interest of 2% rate. We offer the following kinds of loans to our clients----- * Long term loans (20_40years) * Short term loans (5_10years) * Media term loans (10_20years ) * Investors Loans * Debt Consolidation * Second Mortgage * Business Loans * Personal Loans * International Loans * Home loans. ======================================================= Interested applicants should please contact us with our email address [] THANKS EMAIL ADDRESS--[] FLORENCE NOAH HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER
EMAIL ADDRESS--[] HEAD OFFICE--742 Harrow Road London UNITED KINGDOM ---------------------------------------------------- I am MRS FLORENCE NOAH,Director and CEO of HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER . HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER is a legitimate and well known British approved loan lending company based in London, united kingdom. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000 at an interest of 2% rate. We offer the following kinds of loans to our clients----- * Long term loans (20_40years) * Short term loans (5_10years) * Media term loans (10_20years ) * Investors Loans * Debt Consolidation * Second Mortgage * Business Loans * Personal Loans * International Loans * Home loans. ======================================================= Interested applicants should please contact us with our email address [] THANKS EMAIL ADDRESS--[] FLORENCE NOAH HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER
EMAIL ADDRESS--[] HEAD OFFICE--742 Harrow Road London UNITED KINGDOM ---------------------------------------------------- I am MRS FLORENCE NOAH,Director and CEO of HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER . HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER is a legitimate and well known British approved loan lending company based in London, united kingdom. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000 at an interest of 2% rate. We offer the following kinds of loans to our clients----- * Long term loans (20_40years) * Short term loans (5_10years) * Media term loans (10_20years ) * Investors Loans * Debt Consolidation * Second Mortgage * Business Loans * Personal Loans * International Loans * Home loans. ======================================================= Interested applicants should please contact us with our email address [] THANKS EMAIL ADDRESS--[] FLORENCE NOAH HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER
EMAIL ADDRESS--[] HEAD OFFICE--742 Harrow Road London UNITED KINGDOM ---------------------------------------------------- I am MRS FLORENCE NOAH,Director and CEO of HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER . HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER is a legitimate and well known British approved loan lending company based in London, united kingdom. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000 at an interest of 2% rate. We offer the following kinds of loans to our clients----- * Long term loans (20_40years) * Short term loans (5_10years) * Media term loans (10_20years ) * Investors Loans * Debt Consolidation * Second Mortgage * Business Loans * Personal Loans * International Loans * Home loans. ======================================================= Interested applicants should please contact us with our email address [] THANKS EMAIL ADDRESS--[] FLORENCE NOAH HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER
EMAIL ADDRESS--[] HEAD OFFICE--742 Harrow Road London UNITED KINGDOM ---------------------------------------------------- I am MRS FLORENCE NOAH,Director and CEO of HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER . HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER is a legitimate and well known British approved loan lending company based in London, united kingdom. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000 at an interest of 2% rate. We offer the following kinds of loans to our clients----- * Long term loans (20_40years) * Short term loans (5_10years) * Media term loans (10_20years ) * Investors Loans * Debt Consolidation * Second Mortgage * Business Loans * Personal Loans * International Loans * Home loans. ======================================================= Interested applicants should please contact us with our email address [] THANKS EMAIL ADDRESS--[] FLORENCE NOAH HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER AM SO HAPPY Am SUSAN DENISE Am here to testify of how i got my loan from HOLY FAMILY LOAN CENTER, me and my family are happy today because MATILDA WILLIAMS saves my son,s life by giving me a smooth and easy loan amount of $850 000 from her charitable and reliable loan firm named HOLY FAMILY LOAN CENTER. Am making this testimony today to every one out there who is in financial crises and in need of loan badly to contact HOLY FAMILY LOAN CENTER with the email address below---[].and here is their site MATILDA WILLIAMS is a women of her words here is their email address [] Once again i must say thank you MATILDA WILLIAMS for saving my son,s life. AM SO HAPPY Am SUSAN DENISE Am here to testify of how i got my loan from HOLY FAMILY LOAN CENTER, me and my family are happy today because MATILDA WILLIAMS saves my son,s life by giving me a smooth and easy loan amount of $850 000 from her charitable and reliable loan firm named HOLY FAMILY LOAN CENTER. Am making this testimony today to every one out there who is in financial crises and in need of loan badly to contact HOLY FAMILY LOAN CENTER with the email address below---[].and here is their site MATILDA WILLIAMS is a women of her words here is their email address [] Once again i must say thank you MATILDA WILLIAMS for saving my son,s life.
EMAIL ADDRESS--[] HEAD OFFICE--742 Harrow Road London UNITED KINGDOM ---------------------------------------------------- I am MRS FLORENCE NOAH,Director and CEO of HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER . HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER is a legitimate and well known British approved loan lending company based in London, united kingdom. ================================================================ We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000. Our loans are well insured and maximum security is our priority, at an interest of 2% rate. We offer the following kinds of loans to our clients------------ * Long term loans (20_40years) * Short term loans (5_10years) * Media term loans (10_20years ) * Investors Loans * Debt Consolidation * Second Mortgage * Business Loans * Personal Loans * International Loans * Home loans. ======================================================= Interested applicants should please contact us with our email address [] THANKS EMAIL ADDRESS--[] FLORENCE NOAH HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER
EMAIL ADDRESS--[] HEAD OFFICE--742 Harrow Road London UNITED KINGDOM ---------------------------------------------------- I am MRS FLORENCE NOAH,Director and CEO of HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER . HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER is a legitimate and well known British approved loan lending company based in London, united kingdom. ================================================================ We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000. Our loans are well insured and maximum security is our priority, at an interest of 2% rate. We offer the following kinds of loans to our clients------------ * Long term loans (20_40years) * Short term loans (5_10years) * Media term loans (10_20years ) * Investors Loans * Debt Consolidation * Second Mortgage * Business Loans * Personal Loans * International Loans * Home loans. ======================================================= Interested applicants should please contact us with our email address [] THANKS EMAIL ADDRESS--[] FLORENCE NOAH HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER
HEAD OFFICE ---1 Kennington Road, London SE1 7QP EMAIL ADDRESS --( -------------------------------------------------- You are welcomed to HOLY REDEEMER FINANCE LOAN SETUP,our obligation is helping the needy to gain financial stability in order to meet with the demands of living. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000 USD,at 2.0% interest rate Our loans are well insured and maximum security is our priority, We offer loans to individuals as well as organizations who have intentions of renovating houses and institutions,debt consolidation, re-financing and also establishment of business outfits. We give out our Loan in USD($) and GBP(£) and any currency of your choice. * Are you financially Squeezed? * Do you seek funds to pay off credits and debts * Do you seek finance to set up your own business? * Are you in need of private or business loans for various purposes? * Do you seek loans to carry out large projects * Do you seek funding for various other processes? Sincere Regards SUSAN PHILIPS EMAIL ADDRESS --( HOLY REDEEMER FINANCE LOAN SETUP
HEAD OFFICE ---1 Kennington Road, London SE1 7QP EMAIL ADDRESS --( -------------------------------------------------- You are welcomed to HOLY REDEEMER FINANCE LOAN SETUP,our obligation is helping the needy to gain financial stability in order to meet with the demands of living. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000 USD,at 2.0% interest rate Our loans are well insured and maximum security is our priority, We offer loans to individuals as well as organizations who have intentions of renovating houses and institutions,debt consolidation, re-financing and also establishment of business outfits. We give out our Loan in USD($) and GBP(£) and any currency of your choice. * Are you financially Squeezed? * Do you seek funds to pay off credits and debts * Do you seek finance to set up your own business? * Are you in need of private or business loans for various purposes? * Do you seek loans to carry out large projects * Do you seek funding for various other processes? Sincere Regards SUSAN PHILIPS EMAIL ADDRESS --( HOLY REDEEMER FINANCE LOAN SETUP
HEAD OFFICE ---1 Kennington Road, London SE1 7QP EMAIL ADDRESS --( -------------------------------------------------- You are welcomed to HOLY REDEEMER FINANCE LOAN SETUP,our obligation is helping the needy to gain financial stability in order to meet with the demands of living. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000 USD,at 2.0% interest rate Our loans are well insured and maximum security is our priority, We offer loans to individuals as well as organizations who have intentions of renovating houses and institutions,debt consolidation, re-financing and also establishment of business outfits. We give out our Loan in USD($) and GBP(£) and any currency of your choice. * Are you financially Squeezed? * Do you seek funds to pay off credits and debts * Do you seek finance to set up your own business? * Are you in need of private or business loans for various purposes? * Do you seek loans to carry out large projects * Do you seek funding for various other processes? Sincere Regards SUSAN PHILIPS EMAIL ADDRESS --( HOLY REDEEMER FINANCE LOAN SETUP
HEAD OFFICE ---1 Kennington Road, London SE1 7QP EMAIL ADDRESS --( -------------------------------------------------- You are welcomed to HOLY REDEEMER FINANCE LOAN SETUP,our obligation is helping the needy to gain financial stability in order to meet with the demands of living. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000 USD,at 2.0% interest rate Our loans are well insured and maximum security is our priority, We offer loans to individuals as well as organizations who have intentions of renovating houses and institutions,debt consolidation, re-financing and also establishment of business outfits. We give out our Loan in USD($) and GBP(£) and any currency of your choice. * Are you financially Squeezed? * Do you seek funds to pay off credits and debts * Do you seek finance to set up your own business? * Are you in need of private or business loans for various purposes? * Do you seek loans to carry out large projects * Do you seek funding for various other processes? Sincere Regards SUSAN PHILIPS EMAIL ADDRESS --( HOLY REDEEMER FINANCE LOAN SETUP
HEAD OFFICE ---1 Kennington Road, London SE1 7QP EMAIL ADDRESS --( -------------------------------------------------- You are welcomed to HOLY REDEEMER FINANCE LOAN SETUP,our obligation is helping the needy to gain financial stability in order to meet with the demands of living. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000 USD,at 2.0% interest rate Our loans are well insured and maximum security is our priority, We offer loans to individuals as well as organizations who have intentions of renovating houses and institutions,debt consolidation, re-financing and also establishment of business outfits. We give out our Loan in USD($) and GBP(£) and any currency of your choice. * Are you financially Squeezed? * Do you seek funds to pay off credits and debts * Do you seek finance to set up your own business? * Are you in need of private or business loans for various purposes? * Do you seek loans to carry out large projects * Do you seek funding for various other processes? Sincere Regards SUSAN PHILIPS EMAIL ADDRESS --( HOLY REDEEMER FINANCE LOAN SETUP
HEAD OFFICE ---1 Kennington Road, London SE1 7QP EMAIL ADDRESS --( -------------------------------------------------- You are welcomed to HOLY REDEEMER FINANCE LOAN SETUP,our obligation is helping the needy to gain financial stability in order to meet with the demands of living. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000 USD,at 2.0% interest rate Our loans are well insured and maximum security is our priority, We offer loans to individuals as well as organizations who have intentions of renovating houses and institutions,debt consolidation, re-financing and also establishment of business outfits. We give out our Loan in USD($) and GBP(£) and any currency of your choice. * Are you financially Squeezed? * Do you seek funds to pay off credits and debts * Do you seek finance to set up your own business? * Are you in need of private or business loans for various purposes? * Do you seek loans to carry out large projects * Do you seek funding for various other processes? Sincere Regards SUSAN PHILIPS EMAIL ADDRESS --( HOLY REDEEMER FINANCE LOAN SETUP
EMAIL ADDRESS--[] HEAD OFFICE--742 Harrow Road London UNITED KINGDOM ---------------------------------------------------- HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER is a legitimate and well known British approved loan lending company based in London, united kingdom. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000 at an interest of 2% rate. We offer the following kinds of loans to our clients--- * Long term loans (20_40years) * Short term loans (5_10years) * Media term loans (10_20years ) * Investors Loans * Debt Consolidation * Second Mortgage * Business Loans * Personal Loans * International Loans * Home loans. THANKS EMAIL ADDRESS--[] FLORENCE NOAH HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER
EMAIL ADDRESS--[] HEAD OFFICE--742 Harrow Road London UNITED KINGDOM ---------------------------------------------------- HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER is a legitimate and well known British approved loan lending company based in London, united kingdom. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000 at an interest of 2% rate. We offer the following kinds of loans to our clients--- * Long term loans (20_40years) * Short term loans (5_10years) * Media term loans (10_20years ) * Investors Loans * Debt Consolidation * Second Mortgage * Business Loans * Personal Loans * International Loans * Home loans. THANKS EMAIL ADDRESS--[] FLORENCE NOAH HERITAGE TRUST LOAN CENTER
CENTRALA --- Richmond Road, Worthing, Wielka Brytania E-mail - [] -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- Dajemy pożyczki z zakresu od $ 1000 do $ 90,000, zainteresowanie z 2% stopy procentowej. Zainteresowani klienci powinni prosimy o wypełnienie formularza below- IMIĘ-------------- KRAJ----------- ADRES-------------- Kwota kredytu NIEZBĘDNE ------- CEL POŻYCZKI ------------ SCAN i dołączyć swoją tożsamość CARD-- BIURO / HOME NUMER TELEFONU ----------- PŁEĆ--------------------------- Nasza firma kontakt pocztowy pole jest via- [] ROSE WILLIAMS E-mail - [] DIRECT SERVICE ONLINE FIRMIE
HEAD OFFICE---Richmond Road,Worthing, United Kingdom EMAIL--[] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000, an interest of 2% Interest rate. Interested clients should please fill our form below- NAME-------------- COUNTRY----------- ADDRESS-------------- AMOUNT OF LOAN NEEDED------- PURPOSE OF LOAN ------------ SCAN AND ATTACH YOUR IDENTITY CARD-- OFFICE/HOME PHONE NUMBER----------- GENDER--------------------------- Our company mailing contact box is via- [] ROSE WILLIAMS EMAIL--[] DIRECT SERVICE ONLINE FIRM
HEAD OFFICE---Richmond Road,Worthing, United Kingdom EMAIL--[] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000, an interest of 2% Interest rate. Interested clients should please fill our form below- NAME-------------- COUNTRY----------- ADDRESS-------------- AMOUNT OF LOAN NEEDED------- PURPOSE OF LOAN ------------ SCAN AND ATTACH YOUR IDENTITY CARD-- OFFICE/HOME PHONE NUMBER----------- GENDER--------------------------- Our company mailing contact box is via- [] ROSE WILLIAMS EMAIL--[] DIRECT SERVICE ONLINE FIRM
HEAD OFFICE -- ONE SOUTHAMPTON ROW ,UNITED KINGDOM EMAIL ADDRESS - ( ------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to CHAPEL FINANCIAL LOAN SERVICES.we offer loans to individuals who are going through financial crises. We give out loans from the range of £ 9,00usd to £ 900,000,000 We offer the following kinds of loans to our clients------ *Investors Loans *Debt Consolidation *Second Mortgage *Business Loans *Personal Loans *InternationLoans Kindly fill our loan appication details below -- LOAN APPLICATION FORM ---------------------- NAME ---------- ADDRESS-------- COUNTRY-------- AMOUNT OF LOAN NEEDED --- PHONE NUMBER ------------ PURPOSE OF LOAN --------- REGARDS JOYCE MORGAN EMAIL ADDRESS - ( CHAPEL FINANCIAL LOAN SERVICES
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HEAD OFFICE -- ONE SOUTHAMPTON ROW ,UNITED KINGDOM EMAIL ADDRESS - ( ------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to CHAPEL FINANCIAL LOAN SERVICES.we offer loans to individuals who are going through financial crises. We give out loans from the range of £ 9,00usd to £ 900,000,000 We offer the following kinds of loans to our clients------ *Investors Loans *Debt Consolidation *Second Mortgage *Business Loans *Personal Loans *InternationLoans Kindly fill our loan appication details below -- LOAN APPLICATION FORM ---------------------- NAME ---------- ADDRESS-------- COUNTRY-------- AMOUNT OF LOAN NEEDED --- PHONE NUMBER ------------ PURPOSE OF LOAN --------- REGARDS JOYCE MORGAN EMAIL ADDRESS - ( CHAPEL FINANCIAL LOAN SERVICES
Books by Balkinization Bloggers ![]() Linda C. McClain and Aziza Ahmed, The Routledge Companion to Gender and COVID-19 (Routledge, 2024) ![]() David Pozen, The Constitution of the War on Drugs (Oxford University Press, 2024) ![]() Jack M. Balkin, Memory and Authority: The Uses of History in Constitutional Interpretation (Yale University Press, 2024) ![]() Mark A. Graber, Punish Treason, Reward Loyalty: The Forgotten Goals of Constitutional Reform after the Civil War (University of Kansas Press, 2023) ![]() Jack M. Balkin, What Roe v. Wade Should Have Said: The Nation's Top Legal Experts Rewrite America's Most Controversial Decision - Revised Edition (NYU Press, 2023) ![]() Andrew Koppelman, Burning Down the House: How Libertarian Philosophy Was Corrupted by Delusion and Greed (St. Martin’s Press, 2022) ![]() Gerard N. Magliocca, Washington's Heir: The Life of Justice Bushrod Washington (Oxford University Press, 2022) ![]() Joseph Fishkin and William E. Forbath, The Anti-Oligarchy Constitution: Reconstructing the Economic Foundations of American Democracy (Harvard University Press, 2022) Mark Tushnet and Bojan Bugaric, Power to the People: Constitutionalism in the Age of Populism (Oxford University Press 2021). ![]() Mark Philip Bradley and Mary L. Dudziak, eds., Making the Forever War: Marilyn B. Young on the Culture and Politics of American Militarism Culture and Politics in the Cold War and Beyond (University of Massachusetts Press, 2021). ![]() Jack M. Balkin, What Obergefell v. Hodges Should Have Said: The Nation's Top Legal Experts Rewrite America's Same-Sex Marriage Decision (Yale University Press, 2020) ![]() Frank Pasquale, New Laws of Robotics: Defending Human Expertise in the Age of AI (Belknap Press, 2020) ![]() Jack M. Balkin, The Cycles of Constitutional Time (Oxford University Press, 2020) ![]() Mark Tushnet, Taking Back the Constitution: Activist Judges and the Next Age of American Law (Yale University Press 2020). ![]() Andrew Koppelman, Gay Rights vs. Religious Liberty?: The Unnecessary Conflict (Oxford University Press, 2020) ![]() Ezekiel J Emanuel and Abbe R. Gluck, The Trillion Dollar Revolution: How the Affordable Care Act Transformed Politics, Law, and Health Care in America (PublicAffairs, 2020) ![]() Linda C. McClain, Who's the Bigot?: Learning from Conflicts over Marriage and Civil Rights Law (Oxford University Press, 2020) ![]() Sanford Levinson and Jack M. Balkin, Democracy and Dysfunction (University of Chicago Press, 2019) ![]() Sanford Levinson, Written in Stone: Public Monuments in Changing Societies (Duke University Press 2018) ![]() Mark A. Graber, Sanford Levinson, and Mark Tushnet, eds., Constitutional Democracy in Crisis? (Oxford University Press 2018) ![]() Gerard Magliocca, The Heart of the Constitution: How the Bill of Rights became the Bill of Rights (Oxford University Press, 2018) ![]() Cynthia Levinson and Sanford Levinson, Fault Lines in the Constitution: The Framers, Their Fights, and the Flaws that Affect Us Today (Peachtree Publishers, 2017) ![]() Brian Z. Tamanaha, A Realistic Theory of Law (Cambridge University Press 2017) ![]() Sanford Levinson, Nullification and Secession in Modern Constitutional Thought (University Press of Kansas 2016) ![]() Sanford Levinson, An Argument Open to All: Reading The Federalist in the 21st Century (Yale University Press 2015) ![]() Stephen M. Griffin, Broken Trust: Dysfunctional Government and Constitutional Reform (University Press of Kansas, 2015) ![]() Frank Pasquale, The Black Box Society: The Secret Algorithms That Control Money and Information (Harvard University Press, 2015) ![]() Bruce Ackerman, We the People, Volume 3: The Civil Rights Revolution (Harvard University Press, 2014) Balkinization Symposium on We the People, Volume 3: The Civil Rights Revolution ![]() Joseph Fishkin, Bottlenecks: A New Theory of Equal Opportunity (Oxford University Press, 2014) ![]() Mark A. Graber, A New Introduction to American Constitutionalism (Oxford University Press, 2013) ![]() John Mikhail, Elements of Moral Cognition: Rawls' Linguistic Analogy and the Cognitive Science of Moral and Legal Judgment (Cambridge University Press, 2013) ![]() Gerard N. Magliocca, American Founding Son: John Bingham and the Invention of the Fourteenth Amendment (New York University Press, 2013) ![]() Stephen M. Griffin, Long Wars and the Constitution (Harvard University Press, 2013) Andrew Koppelman, The Tough Luck Constitution and the Assault on Health Care Reform (Oxford University Press, 2013) ![]() James E. Fleming and Linda C. McClain, Ordered Liberty: Rights, Responsibilities, and Virtues (Harvard University Press, 2013) Balkinization Symposium on Ordered Liberty: Rights, Responsibilities, and Virtues ![]() Andrew Koppelman, Defending American Religious Neutrality (Harvard University Press, 2013) ![]() Brian Z. Tamanaha, Failing Law Schools (University of Chicago Press, 2012) ![]() Sanford Levinson, Framed: America's 51 Constitutions and the Crisis of Governance (Oxford University Press, 2012) ![]() Linda C. McClain and Joanna L. Grossman, Gender Equality: Dimensions of Women's Equal Citizenship (Cambridge University Press, 2012) ![]() Mary Dudziak, War Time: An Idea, Its History, Its Consequences (Oxford University Press, 2012) ![]() Jack M. Balkin, Living Originalism (Harvard University Press, 2011) ![]() Jason Mazzone, Copyfraud and Other Abuses of Intellectual Property Law (Stanford University Press, 2011) ![]() Richard W. Garnett and Andrew Koppelman, First Amendment Stories, (Foundation Press 2011) ![]() Jack M. Balkin, Constitutional Redemption: Political Faith in an Unjust World (Harvard University Press, 2011) ![]() Gerard Magliocca, The Tragedy of William Jennings Bryan: Constitutional Law and the Politics of Backlash (Yale University Press, 2011) ![]() Bernard Harcourt, The Illusion of Free Markets: Punishment and the Myth of Natural Order (Harvard University Press, 2010) ![]() Bruce Ackerman, The Decline and Fall of the American Republic (Harvard University Press, 2010) Balkinization Symposium on The Decline and Fall of the American Republic ![]() Ian Ayres. Carrots and Sticks: Unlock the Power of Incentives to Get Things Done (Bantam Books, 2010) ![]() Mark Tushnet, Why the Constitution Matters (Yale University Press 2010) Ian Ayres and Barry Nalebuff: Lifecycle Investing: A New, Safe, and Audacious Way to Improve the Performance of Your Retirement Portfolio (Basic Books, 2010) ![]() Jack M. Balkin, The Laws of Change: I Ching and the Philosophy of Life (2d Edition, Sybil Creek Press 2009) ![]() Brian Z. Tamanaha, Beyond the Formalist-Realist Divide: The Role of Politics in Judging (Princeton University Press 2009) ![]() Andrew Koppelman and Tobias Barrington Wolff, A Right to Discriminate?: How the Case of Boy Scouts of America v. James Dale Warped the Law of Free Association (Yale University Press 2009) ![]() Jack M. Balkin and Reva B. Siegel, The Constitution in 2020 (Oxford University Press 2009) Heather K. Gerken, The Democracy Index: Why Our Election System Is Failing and How to Fix It (Princeton University Press 2009) ![]() Mary Dudziak, Exporting American Dreams: Thurgood Marshall's African Journey (Oxford University Press 2008) ![]() David Luban, Legal Ethics and Human Dignity (Cambridge Univ. Press 2007) ![]() Ian Ayres, Super Crunchers: Why Thinking-By-Numbers is the New Way to be Smart (Bantam 2007) ![]() Jack M. Balkin, James Grimmelmann, Eddan Katz, Nimrod Kozlovski, Shlomit Wagman and Tal Zarsky, eds., Cybercrime: Digital Cops in a Networked Environment (N.Y.U. Press 2007) ![]() Jack M. Balkin and Beth Simone Noveck, The State of Play: Law, Games, and Virtual Worlds (N.Y.U. Press 2006) ![]() Andrew Koppelman, Same Sex, Different States: When Same-Sex Marriages Cross State Lines (Yale University Press 2006) Brian Tamanaha, Law as a Means to an End (Cambridge University Press 2006) Sanford Levinson, Our Undemocratic Constitution (Oxford University Press 2006) Mark Graber, Dred Scott and the Problem of Constitutional Evil (Cambridge University Press 2006) Jack M. Balkin, ed., What Roe v. Wade Should Have Said (N.Y.U. Press 2005) Sanford Levinson, ed., Torture: A Collection (Oxford University Press 2004) homepage Bibliography Cultural Software Writings Opeds The Information Society Project Useful Links Syllabi and Exams |