
Friday, October 31, 2008

Intellectual Property Colloquium


Doug Lichtman of UCLA has started a new podcast, Intellectual Property Colloquium, which he describes in an e-mail below:

The project is called the Intellectual Property Colloquium, and it is essentially an online audio program devoted to intellectual property topics. We aspire to be something like an NPR talk show, but focused on copyrights and patents, and aimed primarily at a legal audience. The programs are neither lectures nor debates. They are conversations, ideally thoughtful ones, with guests drawn from academia, the entertainment community, and the various technology industries.

Each program lasts one hour; is downloadable; and (the kicker) any lawyer who listens to our programs can earn (free) CLE credit in California, New York, and any state that accepts one of those through reciprocity. (We should soon be able to offer CLE in all the states, but for now the combination of California, New York, and reciprocity should cover most of our audience regardless.)

I host each program; and our first one, a lively conversation with Fred von Lohmann of the EFF, is up and ready to go. A schedule of up-coming shows is already posted on the site, as are a variety of subscription features that provide updates every time a new audio is available.


cool. thanks for this link!

All right, I have subscribed. I look forward to Jack and Fred springing out of my Pod. I hope this will not taint me with such embarrassments as CLE credits or other detrita of the legal profession. I will mention that I create intellectual property, unlike the general run of the CLE-ridden.

I have just listened to the first podcast. I had no idea IP law was this much fun. Seriously.

article that you created and you have, very nice, charming and perfect to be listened to and used as a reference of quality.
thank you for sharing a remarkable job, hopefully more successful and we wait for the next post
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