
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Making Sense of Elections

Mark Graber

Not that anyone noticed, but yesterday was Election Day and for the first time in a while, the Democrats did better than the Republicans. Of course, doing better than the Republicans meant little more than holding on to governorships in Virginia and New Jersey that Democrats already held. Still, a couple of minor good signs for the Dems. Tim Kaine managed to win in Virginia, even though his opponent was clearly able to tar him with being soft on the death penalty. He's a bit more liberal than outgoing governor Mark Warner, but ran equal or slightly ahead of Warner, particularly in Northern Virginia. Moreover, his rival, Jerry Kilgore, clearly got nothing out of a Bush visit on the last day of the campaign. Lessons:

1. Democrats can win elections in the Border and Upper South without imitating Republicans across the board.

2. Moderates in southern suburbs may be turned off by attacks on illegal immigrants and the symbolic politics of the death penalty. As southern suburbs continue growing, a possible moderate Democratic foothold may expand.

3. Nobody north of South Carolina need worry when voting on Alito and other matters that the President may campaign against them. Indeed, a good many northern Democratic challengers might consider paying Bush's expenses if he will campaign in their states.


Here in Virginia, the Democratic candidate for governor did win, but not the Democratic candidates for the other state-wide offices, Lt. Governor and Atty General. In all three cases the totals were close, but alas it wasn't the Democratic sweep that one would infer from coverage in the New York Times and the Lehrer News Hour.

Don't forget California: all the statewide initiatives lost, including those identified with Schwarzenegger.

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