
Friday, July 01, 2005

O'Connor Resigns

Mark Graber

Justice O'Connor's resignation today raises interesting questions about her political identification. If one reads many far-right wing sites, O'Connor was a liberal, barely distinguishable from Justice Ginsburg, if not Jesse Jackson. Yet, if the rumors of her comments when Gore was thought the victor of the 2000 election are correct, and there is some truth to claims that Justices try to time resignations, Justice O'Connor clearly preferred that Bush appoint her successor than Gore. Apparently, her efforts to push the court to the right on such matters as federalism and takings were far more important to her than the occasional vote to overturn a particularly eggregious death sentence and the privacy cases.

The most interesting question now is whether the Bush administration will try to defend its version of judicial activism or, more typically, deny that the administration has any agenda other than vague strict construction. At least Democrats openly admit the forms of judicial activism they favor.


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