
Sunday, July 18, 2004

Whoops, Wrong Country!


Apparently, those links with Al Qaeda were with Iran, not Iraq.

Well, it's a simple spelling error, the kind anybody could make.

Now before we do anything else really stupid, are we quite sure it wasn't Ireland? Iceland? Idaho?


And even better, we invaded Iran's enemy, on the basis of lies provided by IRANIAN spies!

Four more years of this, and we'll probably have nuked Japan on intel provided by China.

GDuhbs, do you really want his finger on The Button?

Well at least we now know that was definitly one of the "I" countries.

You guys are all so hilarious, except that the links between Iraq and Al-Qaeda are becoming increasingly evident, even in hindsight (which is decidedly not the standard to which we should hold a Commander-in-Chief faced with terrorist attacks and a nation that had proven itself inimical to U.S. interests -- attempted to assassinate a former President, etc.). You want to dicker over whether they were "collaborative" links concerning 9/11? Sure, that's a great argument.

Meanwhile, radio silence on Joe Wilson. Nothing from Balkin on Berger's pants, either. Cubbie

Links between the two are becoming more tenuous as time goes on. A colonel in the Fedayeen was accused of being in al-Qaeda, whoops, they COMPLETELY misread that name too.

Yes, there were links, but nothing worth this mess, and there were many nations with better links than Iraq. Like our erstwhile ally, Pakistan, whose intelligence services are still seem to be up to their eyeballs in al-Qaeda sympathizers.

Joe Wilson? So he's puffing himself up. This is absolutely, totally irrelevant to the investigation of who burnt an undercover CIA agent. Berger? The Fibbies are on the case, and have been on it for some time now.

The joke about the Iraq/Iran confusion has been made by Ali G before, as repeated by Maureen Dowd the other day. A little radio static and a plane might end up bombing the wrong country!

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