
Friday, June 04, 2004

Capitol Hill Blue: Bush Feeling the Pressure


One must take this report from Capitol Hill Blue, suggesting that Bush is turning into an evangelical version of Richard Nixon, with a grain of salt. (link via Atrios). The one thing that does sound right is that the President, now some three and a half years in office, is feeling the pressure of failed policies and slipping poll numbers. Who in his position would not? For all of the jokes people make about Bush's lack of interest in the world, and his lack of interest in public policy, he is, above all, a savvy politician. And good politicians are always keenly aware of what other people think of them and their accomplishments. So, even if Bush reads only digests of news stories prepared by his advisors, you can bet that he and his chief political advisor Karl Rove are paying close attention to how the Administration's policies have been playing. He knows that things have not gone well. He must feel a terrible weight on his shoulders.


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