
Monday, April 19, 2004


Only Elitists Worry About Being Misled

So the President tells us:

[S]ays Woodward: “He chastised me at one point because I said people were concerned about the failure to find weapons of mass destruction. And he said, ‘Well you travel in elite circles.’ I think he feels there is an intellectual world and he's indicated he's not a part of it … the fancy pants intellectual world. What he calls the elite.”

For example, there are all those elitist families whose sons and daughters are fighting in Iraq:
[Debbie] Pratte is angry. She thinks that President Bush hoodwinked Americans into a conflict that put her youngest child in harm's way, as a gunner with the Crisfield-based 1229th Transportation Company.

"It's not right that I have to sit here worrying about my son for something the president lied about," she said, alluding to White House claims about weapons of mass destruction. "If it takes everything I have, I will never let him go back there."

And this woman sounds particularly elitist:
Jean Prewitt, 53, of Birmingham, Ala., mourned the loss of her 24-year-old son Kelley, during fighting south of Baghdad last April. A former supporter of Bush, Prewitt said she refuses to vote for him now after he waged a war based on alleged weapons of mass destruction in Iraq that have yet to be found.

"My son died in vain, and I'm frustrated and mad," Prewitt said at the demonstration outside the White House. "I believed our president, but he didn't come clean. He never attended a funeral of a slain soldier and he won't even show remorse."


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