
Sunday, September 07, 2003


Iraq Survey Report Due Soon

The Iraq Survey Report, which took over the task of finding weapons of mass destruction from the U.S. Army, is due to issue an interim report in the next week. The Survey headed by David Kay, has been especially tight lipped about its findings. The New Zealand News reports, however, that recent statements by British and U.S. officials suggest that they believe that the report will state that no weapons have been found, and that, at best, the Iraqi weapons programs were in a state of what is has been called "suspended animation;" i.e., preserving a coterie of scientists who would make it possible for Iraq to develop these weapons some day.

If so, this cannot be heartwarming news to either the Administration or to Tony Blair's government, which asserted repeatedly that Saddam actually possessed weapons of mass destruction and offered this as grounds for war. Indeed, in his Sunday night speech to the nation, President Bush said nothing about the hunt for Saddam or Osama bin Laden, nor the search for the missing weapons of mass destruction.

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