Here are the collected essays from our Balkinization symposium on Mitchell N. Berman and Richard D. Friedman, The Jurisprudence of Sport: Sports and Games as Legal Systems (West Publishing 2021).
1. Jack Balkin, Introduction to the Symposium
2. Sandy Levinson, A new subject for comparative constitutional lawyers and designers?
3. Yuval Abrams, Touchdowns, Safeties, and the Jurisprudence of Fouls
4. Mark Graber, Sports and Non-Originalist Interpretation
5. Jodi S. Balsam, What NFL Rulemaking Can Teach Statist Legislators
6. Richard D. Friedman, More Fun than the Dormant Commerce Clause – and At Least as Enlightening
7. Mitch Berman, Sing a New Song, Teach a New Course: Day 1
8. Mitch Berman, Sing a New Song, Teach a New Course: Day 2