
Tuesday, May 02, 2023

A Section Four Primer

Today's story in The New York Times suggests that Administration officials are thinking about calling upon Section Four of the Fourteenth Amendment to bust the debt ceiling. To restate what I've said previously:

1. Section Four makes any default on the national debt unconstitutional.

2. The President must take any lawful measures to prevent such a default.

3. There are lawful means available. One is the trillion dollar coin, which was Jack's brainchild back during the last debt ceiling fight. Another is the issuance of "premium bonds," as discussed in my post from the other day, which essentially reclassify principal as interest on any new bonds. (Prioritizing debt payments and delaying other non-automatic spending may also be possible depending on the numbers involved.) 

4. Since there are lawful means to prevent a default, the President may not use an unlawful one such as busting the debt ceiling. The fact that the lawful means to prevent a default are novel or may not be ideal does not create authority to break the law. 

5. If the President does bust the debt ceiling citing Section Four, though, probably nobody has standing to challenge that action in court. 

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