Ashley Moran
We are back with a terrific set of short papers from our third LevinsonFest 2022 roundtable, discussing the intersection of law, literature, and other performing arts.
The roundtable includes essays from Samuel Levine (Touro College) on parallels between Jewish legal interpretation and other forms of literary interpretation, Robert Pushaw (Pepperdine University) on contextualist approaches to legal interpretation, Stanley Fish (University of Texas at Austin) on movies’ portrayal of law, Richard Weisberg (Yeshiva University) on channeling Sandy’s inner Faust and a poethics of constitutional law, and Sandy Levinson (University of Texas at Austin) weaving all of these themes together.
The event discussion, which also included remarks from Farah Peterson (University of Chicago) on the role of persuasion in legal interpretation, is available on the panel webpage. We hope you enjoy the discussions!
Ashley Moran is a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Comparative Constitutions Project and Distinguished Scholar with UT’s Robert Strauss Center for International Security and Law. You can contact her at