On December 4th, the Yale Information Society Project held a workshop on “News and Information Disorder in the 2020 US Presidential Election,” organized by Yale ISP Resident Fellow Jisu Kim. ("Information disorder" is a catchall phrase to describe the various forms of misinformation, disinformation, and mal-information.)
Over the course of the next week we will be posting short papers based on the presentations given at the conference on Balkinization. The papers will also be published at the Knight Foundation.
Here are YouTube videos of the sessions.
Session One : The Creation and Spread of False Information, and Political Discussion
Session Two: How to Fight Information Disorder I
Session Three: How to Fight Information Disorder II
Session Four: Platforms' Roles in Resolving Information Disorder
Session Five: Algorithms, Bots, Internet Architecture and Governance
Session Six: Law and Policy to Resolve Information Disorder