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Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Balkinization Symposium on James Pfander, Constitutional Torts and the War on Terror -- Collected Posts
Here are the collected posts for our Balkinization symposium on James Pfander's new book,
Constitutional Torts and the War on Terror
(Oxford University Press, 2017).
Alex Reinert,
The Cost of Seeking Legal Clarity
Stephen Vladeck,
A Bivens Encomium—or Elegy
Joanna Schwartz,
Blind Justice, Lady Liberty, and the War on Terror
Will Baude,
Beyond the War on Terror
Gregory Sisk,
Federal Official Liability for Intentional Wrongdoing: Recovering the Past
James Pfander,
Constitutional Torts and the War on Terror
(response to Balkinization posts).
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