
Monday, February 22, 2016

March 3 Event at UNC: Federalism in the Rehnquist and Roberts Courts

On March 3, 2016, the North Carolina Law Review will host a colloquy on Federalism in the Rehnquist and Roberts Courts. The colloquy begins at 4:15 pm at the UNC School of Law.

The colloquy grows out of an article Carl Emery Woock and I published last December entitled Federalism as Docket Control. The article uses the twentieth anniversary of United States v. Lopez (2015) to revisit the Rehnquist Court’s federalism revolution.

The colloquy will continue the conversation about the Rehnquist Court as well as take up federalism developments in the Roberts Court and the possible impact (from a federalism perspective) of a new Court member following the death of Justice Scalia.

Besides myself, participants at the colloquy include Ernest Young and Neil Siegel (Duke), Rick Hills (NYU), Jud Campbell (Stanford), and Bill Marshall, Mary-Rose Papandrea, Michael Gerhardt, and Eric Muller (UNC).

Faculty members or students interested in attending the colloquy should feel free to e-mail me at mazzonej[at] for additional information.