In the wake of the oral argument in King v. Burwell yesterday, supporters of the challengers (and
even some
who support the government’s view) have taken to the newspapers and the blogs
in droves to address Justice Kennedy’s questions (see pages 16 and 49 of the transcript) about
whether the Court ought to reject, or “avoid,” challengers’ interpretation
because it might raise a serious constitutional question—namely, whether the
draconian choice put to the States under the challengers’ reading would be
impermissibly coercive.
The Solicitor General adequately addressed the avoidance
doctrine on page 49, in response to a related question from Justice Alito. The challengers’ interpretation, he
said, would present “a novel constitutional question” and, “to the extent the
Court believes that this is a serious constitutional question, . . . then I do
think the doctrine of constitutional avoidance becomes another very powerful
reason to read the statutory text our way.”
Here, I’d simply like to make two additional points about
Justice Kennedy’s coercion concerns.
First, the efforts of challengers’ counsel to minimize the nature of the
coercion that would result from his reading of the Act is misleading. And second, there’s no need for the
Court even to grapple with the constitutional avoidance question in King, because another federalism canon
of statutory construction—the one I discussed in my post on Monday—suffices
to resolve the case (as would the absurdity doctrine, not to mention the government's argument that the statute plainly authorizes tax credits to residents of a State that allows HHS to establish the Exchange in that State).
1. Petitioners’
reading of the Act would uniquely and dramatically coerce the States.
One of the most surprising aspects of the oral argument was the effort
by the challengers’ counsel, Michael Carvin, to paper over the draconian
effects of his interpretation of the statute. In response to questions regarding the effect on the States,
Carvin repeatedly characterized Section 36B of the Act as simply a “funding condition” (pp. 16, 79), akin
to those Congress has imposed in many other statutes.
Not so.
The condition the petitioners’ reading would impose upon States
that choose to allow HHS to set up Exchanges in their territory—denial of tax
credits for all of their residents—hardly begins to describe the consequences of
such a choice. In addition, the ACA
displaces state insurance regulation in all
States, requiring (i) issuance of individual health insurance regardless of
preexisting conditions and (ii) pricing of that insurance based upon
community-wide characteristics.
When these reforms are viewed in conjunction with the denial of
tax credits that the challengers’ reading would require, the effective choice
that would be put to the States is not “establish an Exchange or be denied a
federal benefit,” but instead “establish an Exchange or we will destroy your health insurance market, and make your residents worse off than they would have been absent any
federal regulation at all.” That
is to say, under the challengers’ view Congress would not be threatening the
States with denial of a “carrot,” or even the withdrawal of a very valuable
federal benefit or privilege on which the States had come to depend,* but rather,
both the denial of important benefits to the State’s residents (the tax credits
that allow such residents to purchase insurance on the Exchanges in the first
instance) and federal preemption of
state regulation of health insurance—a combination that would wreak havoc on
the States’ preexisting health insurance markets. The stark differences between this supposed “offer” to the
States and the long-recognized models of federal-state cooperation—namely,
conditional grant programs and federal laws permitting state implementation
with a federal fallback—are discussed in detail in Part III of the amicus brief filed
by Professors Merrill, et al.
2. The case can
be resolved by resort to the Gregory/Bond
canon of statutory construction.
Whatever one might think of the constitutional avoidance
argument in King, the case can
be resolved under another distinct and potent federalism canon of statutory
construction that I discussed in my post on Monday—the Gregory v. Ashcroft canon that is the focus of the Merrill amicus brief and that the Court applied last Term in Bond v. United States. As the Court wrote in Gregory and in Bond (and in New York v. United States): “It
is incumbent upon the federal courts to be certain of Congress' intent before finding
that federal law overrides the ‘usual constitutional balance of federal and
state powers.”**
This federalism canon of construction appears to have been what
Justice Kagan was alluding to in her remarks yesterday (pp. 27-28):
Let's go back
to this question of where . . . Congress put this thing
[the alleged choice to the States to establish an Exchange or deny their
residents the critical tax credits that permit the Exchange—and the Act as a
whole—even to operate], because, putting aside constitutional issues, . . .. there’s at least a presumption,
as we interpret statutes, that Congress does not mean to impose heavy burdens
and draconian choices on States unless it says so awfully
clearly. And here . . . there’s really nothing clear about this.
[T]his took a year and a half for anybody to even notice this language. And,
as Justice Ginsburg said, it's . . . put . . . not in a
place that you would expect it to be put in, which is where [Section 1321] says
to the States, “here is the choice you have.”
It's not even put in where the statute defines . . . who
is entitled to get the subsidies [the definition of the “applicable
taxpayer[s]” in subsection 36B(c)(1)(A)].
Rather, it comes in . . . this technical formula that’s directed
to the Department of the Treasury saying
how much the amount of the subsidy should be. . . .
both makes no sense from Congress’s point of view, and in terms of
our own point of view, in terms of interpreting statutes. [T]hat’s not the clarity with which
we require the government to speak when it’s upsetting Federal/State
relations like this.
At oral argument, Michael Carvin briefly tried to suggest (p.16)
that the Gregory canon only applies
when Congress is “taking away a police power” from the States, whereas “here,
all the Federal government is doing is [imposing conditions] on
billions of free Federal dollars.” Not so, on either count. In neither New York nor
Bond was the federal government
trying to “take away” any state police power. And, as I explain above, the choice here, on petitioners' view, would be something very
different from an ordinary spending condition: If the threat to destroy a State’s existing market for
health insurance doesn’t upset the federal/state balance in a way that should
trigger the Gregory canon, it’s hard
to imagine what would.
Moreover, if the Court were to apply the Gregory canon, it would compel affirmance of the IRS’s
interpretation. As I explained in
my earlier post, far from any certitude that Congress intended such a draconian
effect on the States, the challengers cite virtually no evidence, apart from
the contested “established by the State” language itself, that Congress so
intended. And as both the Merrill
amicus brief and Justice Kagan’s remarks demonstrate, there are numerous
powerful indications in the Act itself that Congress did not have any such
intent to put the States to such a potentially devastating choice—not least of
which is the implausible manner in which Congress is said to have informed the
States of that choice in the results of a calculation made pursuant to a “monthly
credit calculation” provision of the Act.
* * * *
I should add, in closing, that even apart from the Gregory federalism canon, the Court
could rule for the government without reaching any question of constitutional avoidance
if (i) the Court finds that the government’s construction of Section 36B is
compelled, when that provision is read in the context of the statute as a whole; (ii) the Court concludes
that Section 36B is ambiguous, in which case Chevron deference supports the Department of Treasury reading (see Nick Bagley's post); or
(iii) the Court concludes, as Justice Sotomayor suggested (p. 21) and as the
Solicitor General argued (p.55), that the statute as a whole would simply “make
no sense” under the challengers’ reading—in effect, that it would result in an
absurdity at the heart of the Act for Congress to have compelled the Secretary
to create and operate Exchanges if either
the alleged “inducement” would cause every State to establish Exchanges or residents could not afford to
purchase insurance and the insurance markets would collapse in States that declined
to do so. (This last point, about absurdity,
is not, as Justice Scalia would have it (p.57), merely that the challengers’
reading would result in “untoward” or “disastrous” consequences—although it
certainly would do that—but instead that a key component of the Act itself
would simply make no sense under that
reading, i.e., that no rational Congress would have written a statute with both
such provisions in it.)
* That was basically the scenario under one part of the statute challenged in New York v. United States. An earlier enactment had approved regional compacts affording all States the right to dispose of their radioactive waste in a cost-effective manner at sites in Nevada, South Carolina and Washington. The 1986 Act challenged in New York authorized those three States to exact a graduated surcharge for waste arriving from outside the regional compacts, and then, after seven years, to exclude radioactive waste generated outside the region altogether. The “choice” thus presented to the waste-generating States, according to the Court, was that “States may either regulate the disposal of radioactive waste according to federal standards by attaining local or regional self-sufficiency, or their residents who produce radioactive waste will be subject to federal regulation authorizing sited States and regions to deny access to their disposal sites.” The Court unanimously upheld Congress's authority to offer the States this either/or choice. 505 U.S. at 173-174; see also id. at 168-169. The choice presented by the challengers’ reading of the ACA, by contrast, would go much further, by threatening the destruction of a State’s insurance regime if the State chooses not to establish an Exchange.
** Indeed, in New York, 505 U.S. at 169-170, the Court specifically distinguished this “no unbalancing without certitude of congressional intent” Gregory canon from the constitutional avoidance
canon. The Court held in that case that both of those canons were reasons not to construe a
seemingly straightforward directory provision—that “each State shall be
responsible for providing . . . for the disposal of . . .
low-level radioactive waste”—as a mandate to the States, but instead as grounds
for reading the statute as a whole to offer the States a choice of either regulating radioactive waste disposal or being subject to one or more of a series of
burdens (what the Court characterized as “incentives” to regulate).