
Friday, August 01, 2014

Gaza Names Project

Jewish Voice for Peace and the Institute for Middle East Understanding have put together this moving video memorial for the victims of Israel's latest military operation in Gaza.  The video is narrated by Wallace Shawn; other participants include Angela Davis, Roger Waters, Chuck D, Mira Nair, Naomi Klein, Michael Ratner, Tony Kushner, Jonathan Demme, Urvashi Vaid, Jody Williams, Desmond Tutu, and Gloria Steinem, among many others.  According to this BBC report, more than 1,400 Palestinians have been killed and 450,000 have been forced to leave their homes since July 8.  The Israeli human rights group, B'Tselem, has gone to court to win the right to publicize the names and ages of some of the children who have been killed.  Apparently, the Israeli Broadcasting Authority has banned B'Tselem from running its radio ad because its content is "politically controversial."